大学学分加 (CCP)

大学学分加双招生计划允许学生通过参加俄亥俄州学院或大学的课程同时获得大学和高中学分. CCP enhances students’ college readiness and postsecondary success, 同时为准备上大学的学生提供多种课程选择. Accepted students may take courses on the AU main campus, online or at one of our partnering high schools.

Prospective students must upload the completed CCP许可单 到他们的申请状态页面,然后才会被考虑录取. View directions on how to upload the permission slip.

For complete program rules, see the Ohio Department of Higher Education website.

请注意,某些课程的主题可能包括成熟的主题或图形材料, 显式的, violent or sexual nature. 无论在哪里授课,CCP学生的课程都不会被修改. 家长应联络 collegecreditplus@budzgreenshop.com if they would like to request a course materials review.

Ashland University 大学学分加 banner



Use your personal 电子邮件 address when applying. Do not enter a high school 电子邮件 address. Many schools' network settings block messages from outside parties. 结果是, 如果你输入你高中的电子邮件地址,你可能永远不会收到带有注册说明的录取通知书.

If you haven't heard back from CCP in 1-2 weeks, 请再次确认你的录取通知书没有进入垃圾邮件文件夹, 然后联系 collegecreditplus@budzgreenshop.com, as we are likely missing 信息rmation we need to make a decision.




CCP admission does not guarantee placement in any course. 学生必须能够满足所有的安置和先决条件的指导方针.

在俄亥俄州公立学校注册的7-12年级的授权学生, 非公立高中, 或在家上学的学生可以选择参加葡京平台线上的CCP项目. (Unauthorized students include, 但不限于, foreign students who are not part of an exchange program, 州外学生和未经EMIS认证的学生).

Pathway 1: Traditional Admission


  • 18 ACT复合材料
  • 970坐
  • ONE of the following Accuplacer scores:
    • 250年阅读
    • 263年写作
    • 263 Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra and Statistics (QAS)

Pathway 2: Test-Optional Admission

  • 至少3.00 unweighted 累积* high school GPA
  • 2.85 – 2.99 GPA未加权累积*高中GPA,相关课程领域成绩为“A”或“B”.

AU定义了 relevant coursework areas as math, English, science, and social studies.

*A 累积 high school GPA must include at least one 最后 年级 每一个 of the relevant coursework areas.

尚未在每个相关课程领域获得最终成绩的学生目前必须在这些领域获得a和b,并参加Accuplacer阅读考试. 学生的成绩卡副本,包括本学年到目前为止的所有评分期的成绩 由学校 to collegecreditplus@budzgreenshop.com.

CCP 招生/Accuplacer 例子 Scenarios

例子: A student completed HS Algebra I in the 8th grade and earned a B-.


例子学生还没有在每个相关课程领域的累积* HS GPA和最终成绩. The student takes the Accuplacer Reading section and scores 250+. 学生的成绩卡显示在相关课程领域至少有一个C或更低.
决定由于在相关领域的所有成绩都不是a和b,该学生还没有资格入学, regardless of the Accuplacer score.


而非盟有传统的(有考试成绩)和可选的(没有考试成绩)录取途径, you may need to take the Accuplacer in certain situations.

  • If your high school GPA is 3.0或更高 在你作为中共学生的第一学期,你将至少是一名高中二年级学生, you do not need to take the Accuplacer unless you desire to take math. 如果你在高中完成了代数II,并希望通过非盟学习数学, schedule the QAS section.
  • If your high school GPA falls between 2.500和2.999 and you do not have qualifying ACT or SAT scores, please arrange to take all three Accuplacer sections: Reading, 写作, 和QAS(数学).
  • 中共青年学生 (middle school/junior high school students)未参加ACT/SAT考试的考生应安排参加阅读部分.

You may take a free Accuplacer test on our main campus.

如果你参加了阅读考试,我们将接受其他大学的Accuplacer成绩, 写作, 或QAS部分. AU does not accept WritePlacer or math AAF sections. Please have your school counselor send your score report to au-transcripts@budzgreenshop.com.


下一个步骤 for New Students

Already been accepted into AU's 大学学分加 program? 然后在下一步页面中,您可以找到关于设置AU帐户的所有信息, 参加定向, scheduling classes and more.

student studying at picnic table

Course 转移ability


只要行为良好,CCP学生可以从认可的高等院校转学分, 财务状况, and academically with at least a 2.25/4.0 累积 GPA at the previous college(s) attended.

通过认可的学院或大学获得的学分,只要获得的学分达到“C-”或更高,葡京平台线上将接受. 学生记录上的成绩是“K”,对你在葡京平台线上的累积GPA没有影响. 学分将被授予特定的葡京平台线上的课程,当可转换的学分用于等效课程时. 当转学分课程没有葡京平台线上的相应课程时, credits will be awarded as 'elective' credits. 攻读学位的学生必须在葡京平台线上学习至少30个学时. 最后12个小时的课程作业和至少一半的专业作业必须在澳大完成.

A student may receive an unofficial evaluation of credit by visiting www.transferology.com or by 电子邮件ing the Office of 本科 招生 at enrollme@budzgreenshop.com.



给我们的团队发邮件: collegecreditplus@budzgreenshop.com.